10 Staycation Ideas That Won’t Break The Bank This Summer.

The School holidays are well underway, and we know how difficult it can be to keep the kids entertained.

With the cost of living on the rise, it can be difficult to prioritise where your hard-earned cash goes, especially if you’re saving for a property, or have a mortgage to pay, so we’ve come up with 10 staycation ideas that won’t break the bank this summer.

  1. Visit a museum.  Look out for deals. There are some great museums locally such as The Justice Museum and Wollaton Hall or learn about the history on your doorstep.
  2. Go on a hike.  It doesn’t have to be in the hills. There are some great local parks and walks, such as Gedling Country Park, Bestwood Country Park and Colwick Park.  Pack a homemade picnic and make a day of it.
  3. Visit a Farm Shop.   Locally we have Spring Lane Farm Shop for example.  Check out the seasonal produce and see what you can cook or bake with it.
  4. Have a back garden camp out.  Whether have a small tent or make one.  Camping out in your own back garden can be fun.
  5. Go on a local tour.  Be a visitor in your own city.  Locally we have tours such as The Robin Hood Town Tour, The Ghost Walk, or Nutty Nottingham.   Go along and you might learn something new about your city.
  6. Do a ‘Random Act of Kindness’. It could be helping a neighbour with their shopping, or family with their garden for example.  They’ll be grateful.
  7. Have a movie night at home. Pick your own movies and grab the popcorn.
  8. Go Stargazing.   Learn about the constellations and see what you can spot in space from your own garden.
  9. Do a treasure hunt.  Whether it’s around your home and garden, or locally.  Make a treasure hunt for friends or family.
  10. Have a spa day at home. Soak in the bath, Do facials and beauty treatments

Hopefully, you will find some of these helpful, or they might give you some ideas of your own.  We’d love to know

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